Timo S. Varis aka Timov
Advisory consultant, programmer, console & retro gamer and sci-fi enthusiast. Certified PO and Scrum Master. Father and a geek.
This is my personal homesite, which may or may not be up to date with current events of my life.
You can find me all around interwebs
I am @varis_timo on Twitter, @Timov on Mastodon, varistimo on Instagram and Timo S. Varis on FB.
Here is my cv and a LinkedIn-profile. This is my current setup for anything computery.
This is my lending page in Kiva, which is a microcredit service mainly for helping people in third wordld countries.
Current interests
I am currently immersed in experimenting with the possibilities of new artificial intelligence models.
I think the development of AI over the last year is both amazing and somewhat worrying at the same time. I believe that there is an avalanche of changes going on comparable to the spread of the internet, which will however happen much faster and more uncontrollably.
I’m not at all worried about the tech jobs, and I’m not saying we necessarily need more restrictions, but we definitely need transparency and open research.